Sunday, September 5, 2010

Content in our Chaos

If it wasn't completely absurd, socially incorrect, and making money didn't matter, I'd quit school right now. More and more I look and see people unhappy. I see how short life is and I'm sitting behind a desk waiting for it to catch up with me. After school is High School, after that is college, then a job, then a husband, then kids and I ask myself where enjoying myself fits in there. According to the all-knowladgeable and thoughgtful Plato, "No town can live peacefully, whatever it's laws when it's citizens nothing but feast and drink and tire themselves out in the cares of love". Are you out there Plato? Are you listening? You're wrong. We'd all be much happier. We'd sleep all day and party all night and hell yes, we'd be content if only for a little while.