Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

1. I got a romper from forever21
2. I want to move to another country. Britain is actually at the top of my list. Why?
3. The seeexy accents
4. Oh yeah, right I developed ringworm. Tasty
5. Today I bought a strawberry ice cream. The sunburn I got today whoops my strawberry ice cream in the color department ten times over
6. Back to the accents, I always worried that foreigners would totally think my American accent was stupid, unoriginal, and just a mockery of language in general. But when I think about it, how can so many people think British accents are so hot and intriguing without a considerable amount of people thinking the same of American accents?
7. I finished the forth installment of that "halfway in the grave", "practically in the grave", "at the end of the grave"(or something along those lines) series and I loved it. It's my favorite vampire series if not my favorite series overall. I couldn't get enough. The undead hottie Bones had me swooning. AND. HE'S. BRITISH. Alas, the next book won't be released until February 2011 so until then I'll have to find myself some undead/paranormal romance elsewhere.
8. I suck

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time is the Fire in Which We Burn

What do you want to be when you grow up? This question has been haunting the recesses of our minds since the beginning of elementary school. Especially mine. First I wanted to be an astronaut. Then I wanted to be the president, a firefighter, and a lawyer - in that order. What's a girl to do? Being a sophomore in high school, I've been told that I don't need to worry about it yet but with college so close, how can I not? There are so many options. I'd like to know what I want to be so I can choose a corresponding major and go to a school with a strong program known for that major. Then there's always the fear that I'll pick a major and then change my mind and since the economy's not doing so hot, I've heard that colleges are starting to make students pay for the class they switch out of. I'm also fretting over what electives I should choose for next year. Should I choose academic electives that will look good on my transcript? Should I take that SAT prep class? Or should I learn how to play piano like I've always wanted to do? It's safe to say I now have a headache.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You're spaced out on sensation. Like you're under sedation.

Monologues are my forte, I must say... Lately I've found myself looking at Forever21's website wanting an unrealistic amount of clothes. Including an even larger unrealistic amount of rompers. "Why?" you ask. Well, they look almost impossibly comfortable and I don't own a single one yet.

On a second note, I'd like to express how completely obsessed I am with this book at the moment. The reason for my obsession might be rooted in the fact that I'm anxiously waiting for the follow-up to be available at my library (I'd be living on the streets with hundreds of books if I bought them). The book is moderately chiche but the heroine's love interest keeps me glued to each page. Halfway to the Grave is one of those books where you want to savor each word while wanting to rush to the end to see how it turns out. The book started out a little rough for me because of Jeaniene Frost's unique writing style but I quickly adapted. If I don't get the next book by Thursday, I'm going to be seriously upset!

Thanks for reading!
- Alex